...just like greg. i guess all of us have been feeling like teenagers again due to all of these old punk rock bands playing shows in toronto as of late. hot water music. the fullblast. h20. knowhatimsayin!
anyways, i saw this blog post and was once again reminded (for the 10,000,000 time) why i don't listen to epitaph bands anymore (you know, OTHER than the fact that they all suck and have beautiful swoop hair cuts).
so I was looking for a movie to drift off to on surf the channel the other night and I happened upon after sex. it wasn't good but I did notice a scene shot at a place called "the pink motel" that I had scene the girl/chocolate dudes skating in a fourstar trailer. I don't know, thought it was cool.
apparently element wasn't content with only making life size tech decks and terrible footwear but they've also collaborated with krabo too make, get this, a fixed gear bike.
igor, the sketchbag that owns the chop shop across from the best outdoor bar in town (trinity-bellwoods), finally got busted for doing what he does, stealing bikes. your life gets an........
So, since I hardly post, I thought I'd come and put something here.
Kool Keith just released a new song. I think he disses Outkast, MF Doom and Rawkus at the start, but he actually makes no sense at all so its hard to tell. Good to see that hes still insane. Anyways, check it out HERE.