Monday, April 28, 2008

real talk.

andrew- "fuck my life".

andrew- "I just realized that the 4 buttons used to spell fuck are the exact same 4 buttons used to spell dick.  I guess every storm cloud really does have a silver lining"

jush- "haha, dick is way cooler then dual, thats what my old phone guessed instead of fuck. and shit was shiv, what the dual is a shiv?"

andrew- "Isn't that what people stab each other with in jail?"

jush- "I think so, is that also a shank or do you get shanked with a shiv?"

andrew- "I don't know, I'll check urban"

andrew- "shiv- a home made knife made out of anything but metal, not be confused with a shank which is a home made knife made out of metal"

jush- "glad we sorted that out"                    

- justin

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